welcome to a mum & her Garden
I’m Ella - a mum, a gardener and a home cook
Welcome to my blog for all my musings. I’m a first time mum to lockdown, rainbow baby, Oscar. I’m a garden lover learning about growing vegetables, fruit and colourful flowers. And if I’m not in the garden I’ll be in the kitchen, usually baking.
In all aspects of my life I learn as I go and often make mistakes. I don’t claim to be an expert and nothing is picture perfect, but I’m excited to share the successes and challenges of gardening, parenting, and seasonal cooking on this blog.
Follow along with my garden adventures, sowing seeds, growing vegetables, general maintenance and our garden projects
Sharing everything from lockdown parenting, my positive birth story, family days out, self care, miscarriage, and mental health
Baking is my passion, and I love exploring seasonal dishes to enjoy with my family using as many home grown ingredients as possible